5/11 bloopers from Gooch/Dexter interview. Party shenanigans and fall-out

Good Evening everyone. Welcome to a wonderful Wednesday and your first glimpse into life outside of the show.  In tonight's Lounge session, we sit with Tonks and Mina as they discuss last week's shows and ideas for upcoming episodes. 

Of course, Obi, Sadie, and I will probably share some insights or comments. Please enjoy.


(We join Tonks, Mina, Obi, and Sadie as they are all sitting around the fish oil bar with a bottle of Pickle Juice, and a bottle of salmon oil talking about the show Friday and Saturday. We join in on the conversation as Sadie is talking.)

Sadie. I still don't understand why you two don't get in trouble. If it wasn't for the show, the guests wouldn't have been here in the first place.


Tonks. Because Daddy knows that we invite the guest for the interviews, luncheon, and a formal dinner. We do not ask them for a night of uncontrolled frivolities.

Mina. Daddy knows who starts the shenanigans. Tonks and I didn't make Daddy sleep and put a saddle on the dogs. You guys did. 

S. It's your fault that the fridge got dumped. You told Gooch and Dexter about the food stored up above. 

T. I told them that the extra food is stored there and that Daddy gets it down for us with the ladder. You are the one that suggested they tip the fridge to get it down. 


M. So it's your fault all the food fell out, not us. 

T. Besides, even though the food fell out, it was all in containers and was still good. So you misled the guests and told them they had to eat it all because it was gonna spoil. 

S. Well, it will spoil eventually if it isn't eaten. 

M. But not at that moment!

(Obi is tracing the conversation with a slight smirk. So yeah, he got caught, but daddy could only pin the sleeping draft on him. Sadie managed to take the heat for everything else. Once again, he cleverly evaded most of the blame.)


S. It's just not fair. Because you guys are the "Babies," you get to do whatever you want. I'm going to take a nap. (Sadie gives an exasperated sigh and starts to leave just as Remus speaks.)

Remus. It's Obi you should really be mad at. It was all his ideas, and if anything, you pushed him to do it as always, so it looks like the blame was mainly where it belonged. 

Obi. (Looking wounded responds to Remus.) Should I be blamed for the mere thought strolling through my mind? If that's the case, we are all guilty of atrocities beyond number.

R. you are completely twisting my words. You know why you deserve the blame. Not because you had the thoughts, but because it's how you presented those thoughts to Sadie that set the wheel in motion for what occurred. 

S. (Pensive) So what you are saying, Remus? That it's all Obi's Fault? 

(at this, Obi gets up and starts backing away, then breaks into a full sprint with Sadie right on his tail. Everyone else laughs)

T. Serves him right. He always gets away with the majority of the stuff he pulls. 

M. It doesn't help that Daddy encourages him sometimes. However, daddy did invite this mess. He is the one that told Obi to have the "Cinco De Mayo" dinner on the 6th so he could use his dumb joke.

R. Joke? What joke was that?

T. That if anyone asks Obi why he was shopping on the 6th for his Cinco De Mayo party; "Just tell them you have a problem with procrastination. Then say that you may be a day late, but since all the "Cinco De Mayo" supplies are all discounted, at least you don't end up a dollar short too." Daddy figured that was good for a "Two-for-one."

R. (As Remus reads the words on the screen, he snorts and then says.) Sometimes I'm glad I can't hear, and now I wish I couldn't read!

(Everyone laughs)

R. Ok. I just want to be sure that I have all this straight for the record. This all started with the cup of tea? 

T. No, a while before that. Just say it started with the show because it was early in the show that Obi brought up the idea of riding the hounds like horses in the pasture. 

M. And once Obi's and Sadie's brains were spinning, trouble wasn't far behind. During the interview, Sadie borrowed the guests halters and got the right size for saddles. 

T. The interview was also when Obi mixed up his special Tea for Daddy. He knows daddy always has three cups before, during, and after the show. So he made Daddy's second and third teas extra sweet so daddy wouldn't know that Obi messed with them.

M. About 5 minutes before the end of the show, Daddy started yawning, and that's when Obi made him a turkey sandwich and a pile of gummy fruit chews (In which Obi also stashed two melatonin gummies. An hour and a half later, dogs were saddled, and the fun was on. 

T. Things didn't go bad until later when we were back in the house. Sadie convinced Gooch and Dexter to tip the fridge to get the extra kibble down, and when the door opened, everything fell out. I thought for sure Daddy would wake, but he just rolled over on the couch and started snoring again. So Mina and I started picking everything up.

M. That's when Sadie convinced the others that they needed to eat it all because it would be thrown away. Obi made it more convincing by grabbing one of the frozen "Otter" pops, and then he started eating it. I thought those poor pups would never finish all that food.

T. They both felt sick afterward, and I don't think we have had any other guests make that many trips outside through the night.

R. Ok. So what ended up happening once Daddy woke?

M. We were almost done with the show when I saw Daddy suddenly sit up and rub his head. I'm sure Obi sensed it as he started to head towards the door just as Daddy's eyes began to focus, and though he appeared groggy, Daddy's voice sounded pretty awake by the time he uttered the word "weasel." 

T. That's also when Obi knew the game was up. First, daddy made Obi clean up all the dog piles in the yard, and that's when daddy saw the makeshift racetrack with the two saddles lying on the ground. Daddy then had Obi rake out the racetrack so Daddy could put down some seed, and Daddy went to find who he was sure was Obi's accomplice, Sadie.

M. Of course, Sadie denied knowing anything until Obi walked by and said that she had left her saddles by the racetrack, of course he had a big smile when he said it too. After Daddy lifted the fridge back into place, he had Sadie clean up the house and then sent her and Obi to the store to replenish the food. 

R. I think I got everything now. Oh yeah, how long are Obi and Sadie grounded for?

(Mina giggles as she reads this on her screen, but Tonks answers)

T. Sadie got grounded for two weeks, and she also isn't allowed her favorite toy.

R. (Looking puzzled) And Obi?

(Tonks and Mina look at each other, Mina nods)

T. Obi didn't really get grounded. He just isn't allowed to be around Sadie for two weeks. (As soon as Tonks finishes speaking, She and Mina break into a full laugh.)

M. So, as soon as Daddy catches Sadie whooping up on Obi, they will get into even more trouble cause Daddy will think they are playing.  

(Remus now joins in on the laughter)

R. I see why Sadie really dislikes you two. (They all laugh again)

(After everyone has a round of  pickle juice, Mina starts talking)

M. I think I want to change my question. (Tonks and Remus look back) I just don't think it is interesting enough. 

R. Have you thought of an alternative?

M. Just one, "If you could hang out with anyone for an entire weekend, who would it be?" The answer can be human or animal.

T. Ooooh, I like that. I wish I had thought of it first. (Laughs)

R. That is an excellent question. I would love to see some of the answers. I'm not sure I can come up with anyone right away, so I know it's gonna be fun.

M. (Mina's face lights up after hearing the responses) I Love you guys!

(Group hug)

(About this time, Obi walks back in with a frown and sits down)

O. I got grounded for "playing" with Sadie. (Remus, Tonks, and Mina all start laughing.) It's not funny at all. Sadie was attacking me. I was just trying to get away when Daddy walked in and, without missing a beat, looked at me and said, "grounded," then walked back out. 

(The three laugh harder, but Remus pats Obi on the back.)

R. It's funny because the girls predicted this happening. Quite accurately, I may add.)

O. (Looks at Tonks and Mina with a grin.) I have an idea. 

(Obi, with a colossal grin, gets up and leaves, everyone else taps glasses with a toast of "Cheers." and leaves.)


I would like to thank everyone for joining us this evening and getting a little glimpse into our personal lives. Tonks and Mina also send their thanks, and they look forward to seeing everyone on Tonks Talk this weekend. Till then, take care.

Remus Winston Lupin Schug

Pickle Juice https://holisticferret60.proboards.com/thread/23786/pickle-juice-ferrets


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