Welcome to the Memoirs of the Mischievous Mustelids.

 Hello, and welcome to our Blog.

Our names are Nymphadora Arwen Tonks Schug, and in a moment, you will meet my sister Wilhelmina Tulip Mina Schug. We are Ferrets. 


Mina here, and it's nice to meet you. Ferrets are members of the weasel family, domesticated about 2,500 years ago.


Tonks. Of course, we aren't 2,500 years old. That's just how long we have been helping humans through myriads of ways. 

Mina. Go ahead, Google ferrets throughout history. We have helped feed humans, including in combat. We have protected food stores from rodents on ships and in the American West.  

T. We have also pulled the wire through conduits and cleaned superconductors. Controlled rabbit plagues and even acted on the silver screen. We are also the best wrestlers and dancers you will ever meet.

M. We are fierce, but we are also cute, funny, a little crazy, and some of the biggest thieves you could ever meet. Did I mention hoarders? Some of us hoard what we steal. So you name it, we'll take it: socks, toys, shoes, shoe liners, remotes, keys, wallets, basically, whatever we want.

T. The nice thing about it is that we are so cute the humans don't even get mad at us. 

(Both girls laugh)

M. Now that you know our names and what we are. The blog will give you an understanding of who we are. We absolutely love adventure, and we have one of the most adventurous ferrets as a brother. 

T. Obi Ferret! If you've never heard of him, well, you will. Often. 

Obi Ferret

M. (giggles.) It's not all his fault. 

T. True. Shady Sadie usually pushes him into action, but they are still his ideas. We also have another brother Remus Winston. He also contributes, though inadvertently.

Shady Sadie

M. He's a brainiac, so they always get him to work out the complex engineering problems. But, of course, he can't help it. So, they always bring things up as speculative, and he sees it as just another challenge to solve.


T. The last adventure was a good example. Obi was talking with Remus and wondered aloud about how big a sail would have to be attached to the house to get it to move in twenty MPH winds. 

M. The next thing you know, we are attaching a giant mast to the house. Fortunately, Obi failed to Ask about the Bolt and mount sizes to support a Mast of that bulk to the house. As soon as that giant sail caught the wind, it yanked the entire thing off the roof. 

T. Thankfully, the house didn't move. Between the roof getting ripped up, and then Obi and Sadie, forcing Kajagoogoo (who was vacationing here from Illinois) to walk the plank accused of sabotage. I thought daddy was going to blow a gasket. Not sure what would have happened if he came home and found the house had moved down the street. 

M. Definitely up there with the boat in the house shenanigans. Daddy isn't involved with this, for those of you who have seen our other blog, so we can say whatever we want. We won't have to worry about Daddy's blood pressure while discussing some of Obi's antics. 

T. We have a few other members of the family that routinely involve themselves in our adventures. Meg (a cat), Teeny (another cat), and Tilly, also a cat but the most useful of our feline friends.


M. Meg is super agile and fast, but she reports everything to Daddy, so we must be careful how much we tell her.


T. His name may be Teeny, but small is something he isn't. (Both girls giggle at this). He is a hard worker though a big chicken and runs home at the first sign of trouble.

M. And this is Tilly. She may look lazy, but she is the best climber. She is almost Ferret worthy in a scrap too. She also tends to tell Daddy everything, so Like Meg, we have to be careful how much she knows of the main plans. 

T. Of course, there are always others who join in the fun from time to time, and we look forward to introducing them. 

M. We will also, on this blog,  share some behind-the-scenes conversations and bloopers from Tonks Talk.

T. Of which there never seems to be a shortage of.

(This brings laughter again from both girls) 

M. And there are always some kinds of shenanigans going on around the house that we will look forward to sharing. 

T. We hope that you find this blog enjoyable. In the future, we hope to include stories, poems, and other creative writing from new and beginning authors and others that turn towards creativity to deal with some form of mental illness, stress, or trauma. 

M. This blog will remain family-friendly, though please don't try any of Obi's antics in real life. We are talking animals, so you can't believe everything you hear or that we claim to do. (Smiles and winks as she says the last.)

T. So until next time, take care and be kind.


And don't forget to give your pet an extra treat.


M. (Facepaws) Is that all you ever think about is treats? (Sighs), Thank you, everyone, for stopping by, and I look forward to seeing you again. 

T + M. Goodbye. 


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